- Noticing the strengths of the local wisdoms maintained by the indigenous peoples to ensure the sustainability of nature and environment that have become integrated parts of the daily life of the people in many parts of the world;
- Noticing the power of the collective ownership of natural resources that have been able to maintain the balance of nature between the use and protection, that have become regular practices and customary laws of communities in many parts of the world;
- Noting that the natural disasters that are caused by the human beings and technologies that are not environmentally friendly, and the excessive operations of big corporations;
- Noting that the people’s misery and destitution is caused by the operations of big corporations and government’s policies that are not pro-people;
- Witnessing the international agreements and the global decision making process about climate change that only accommodate the political and economic interests of a group of big corporations and certain interest groups;
- Witnessing the topics of negotiations in the UNFCCC that prioritize profits rather than the solutions to the climate change itself;
- Being aware that the biggest impacts of the climate change will hit the poor and disadvantaged, and we are parts of that society;
- Being aware that the victims of the exploitations of the natural resources by the corporations are not treated in equitable and human manner both by the corporations and the government;
- Recognizing the limitations of the poor communities to adapt to the climate change, both in the aspects of the production of basic needs and in the consumption aspects that have been at minimum level;
- Respecting the initiatives of the states to reduce the impacts of the Climate Change and the agreements that have been and will be made;
We the indigenous peoples, farmers, fisherfolk, and the victims of the irresponsible operations of the big corporations and government’s policies that are not pro-poor, who are from Sumberklampok (Bali), Jember (East Java), Belangguan (East Java), Sumbawa (victims of Newmont), victims of Lapindo Brantas, West Papua, Papua, North Maluku, with the solidarity of the civil society organizations such as INFID (Jakarta), LIMAS (Denpasar), PILANG (Bali), LaPASIP (Jakarta), Sahabat Baduy, FOKKER-LSM Papua, IBON Foundation (Filipina), AidWatch (Australia) dan ARENA Hongkong and some individuals from Malaysia and Australia, announce the People’s Declaration for Climate Justice.
Article 1
The Statement of Resolve
We commit to be fully involved in protecting the nature and environment using the local wisdoms and the cultural principles and our own philosophies of live;
We commit to respect and uphold and struggle for the rights of each community to manage and use their own resources for their collective needs;
We commit to defend the collective rights of the indigenous peoples of the lands, forests and coastal areas to guarantee the life and livelihood of their future generations;
We commit to develop social solidarity among local communities whose rights to life and rights to natural resources including water and land are under threats;
We commit to develop people’s power to prevent the entrance of the forces that destroy the social, cultural and natural entities in our communities;
We commit to struggle for the rights of the people who are victimized by the negligence of the operations of the corporations both national and multinational corporations.
Article 2
Development should be based on values and principles of social justice, democracy, equality, equity, gender equity, respect to human rights and human dignity, social solidarity, participation and empowerment;
Development respects to nature and environment, and upholds the sovereignty, freedom, independence and self-sufficiency of the people both collectively and individually;
Development should be based on local wisdoms, local resources, and planned by the people;
Development upholds, respects and implements local wisdoms based on the history and philosophical and cultural beliefs in guaranteeing the sustainability of environment and nature;
The exploitation of the natural resources by the big corporations have to uphold the rights of the local communities, guarantee the safety and security of the life of the local communities and should be conducted in responsible manner including in the prevention of the environmental destructions and the disturbances to the life of the local communities and in restoring the environmental damages caused by the operations of the corporations;
Article 3
This People’s Declaration is made with the following objectives:
To remind the government of Indonesia that the policies of trade and investment liberalization has threatened the sustainability of the nature and environment of Indonesia;
To remind the government of Indonesia that the development policies that are not pro-people have caused big numbers of the people live in misery and destitution;
To remind the government of Indonesia that the policies that allow the excessive exploitation of natural resources (forest, mining, sea and agricultural lands) will bring the Indonesian people into deep poverty and will cause the degradation of natural resources and environment;
To remind the government of Indonesia that the patience and the sufferings of the people have reached the critical thresholds;
To remind the government of Indonesia in order to form Indonesian delegation for international negotiations free from collusion and nepotism;
To urge the developed countries to stop the imposition of the liberalization and privatization of the natural resources in Indonesia;
To urge the international financial institutions such as the World Bank and Asian Development Bank to stop providing loans to Indonesia that are not for the benefits of the poor;
TO urge the states to accommodate “the People’s Protocol for Climate Change” that is being initiated and discussed among people’s organizations in several countries.
Article 4
People’s Petition
We reject the certification of the customary lands that potentially and has been proved to destroy the social trusts and the nature that have become the collective properties of the indigenous peoples;
The government has to respect and recognize and promote the local wisdoms regarding the protection of natures;
The government has to legally recognize the ancestral rights of the local communities;
The government is responsible to protect the poor people from the impacts of the climate change;
The government has to solve all the agrarian conflicts have caused the life and livelihoods of the farmers and indigenous peoples uncertain;
The government and the big corporations have to protect the security of the life of the local communities in the area of operation of the corporations in the form of strict regulations before the corporations operate;
Any effort of natural resources exploitation should have agreement and consents of all local communities;
Climate is not a commodity and therefore all efforts related to climate change are not for trade;
Carbon trade has to be stopped, since climate is a public issue and has to be solved jointly among the governments;
Stop the investment liberalization that worsens the degradation of natural resources;
The rights to lands and natural resources for the people in Sumberklampok have to be legally recognized;
To support the proposal of the Bali people in order that Nyepi Day becomes the International Day for the elimination of carbon emission.
Declared in:
Sumberklampok, 7 December, 2007
The people of Sumberklampok
The victims of Agrarian conflicts in Belangguan, East Java
The victims of the agrarian conflicts in Jember, East Java
The victims of Lapindo Brantas
The victims of the Newmont Sumbawa
The people of West Papua
INFID (International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development)
LIMAS (Lembaga Informasi dan Advokasi Sosial)
PILANG (Lembaga Peduli Alam dan Lingkungan)
Sahabat Baduy
IBON Foundation, Philippines
AidWatch, Australia
ARENA, Hongkong
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