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Civil society asserts peoples' issues on climate change negotiations PDF Print
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Thursday, 27 August 2009 13:25

The Peoples' Action on Climate Change (PACC), led by PCWA and NGO CCOD, has lined up six activities for six consecutive days to drum up peoples' concerns on the climate change negotiations in the UNFCCC meetings. These are:

Sept 28 - Peoples Parade
Sept 29 - Oars Parade
Sept 30 - Youth Kite Flying
October 1 - Women's Quilt
Otober 2 - Climate Change Conference
October 3 - Deep and Drastic Cuts Parade

The PACC is part of the umbrella network Peoples' Movement on Climate Change.

On October 5, all civil society networks and organizations will join together for the Asian Peoples' Solidarity for Climate Justice day of action.

Another organization, the Our World Is Not For Sale (OWINFS) network is set toconduct a trade and climate event on October 2, from 9am to 12 noon.

All these events are part of the activities and demonstrations of civil society networks and organizations working on people-oriented climate change actions leading up to the significant UNFCCC COP 15 meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark this December.

Other groups planning activities in Bangkok are the Thailand Climate Justice Working Group, the Global Climate Change Action, and the Climate Justice Now! network.

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