Who we are

imageThe Peoples' Movement on Climate Change (PMCC) seeks to advance the People's Protocol on Climate Change as the Southern peoples' strategy and response to the climate change issue.


About us

About the Protocol

What we advocate

The Peoples' Protocol on Climate Change (PPCC) aims to involve the grassroots sectors in the climate change discourse by developing their capacities for engagement and action. It also aims to pressure governments and international bodies to put the people's perpectives and aspiration on the negotiating table in drawing up a post-2012 climate change framework.

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Why we advocate


The people are the worst affected and yet are the least empowered. It is urgent, more than ever, for the people to unite and create their own spaces to raise their own concerns and issues on climate change.




PPCC's five-point platform for action

  1. Comprehensive and concerted but differentiated and equitable global effort to achieve deep, rapid, and sustained emissions reductions to stabilize CO2 concentrations at 350ppm and hold global average temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius.
  2. Demand the reparation of Southern countries and the poor by Northern states, TNCs, and Northern-controlled institutions to redress historical injustices associated with climate change.
  3. Reject false solutions that allow Northern states and corporations to continue harming the environment and communities, provide new and greater opportunities for profit, and reinforce and expand corporate control over natural resources and technologies.
  4. Struggle for ecologically sustainable, socially just, pro-people, and long-lasting solutions.
  5. Strengthen the peoples' movement on climate change.

TWN Bonn News Update No.7 PDF Print
Wednesday, 29 June 2011 13:19

Developing countries form solid front to advance Kyoto Protocol

8 June 2011
Published by Third World Network

Bonn, 8 June (Lim Li Lin) – The developing countries formed a solid front to advance the Kyoto Protocol when the opening session of the KP working group took place on 7 June morning. It was clear that a second KP period has become a rallying point for these countries as an essential component for a successful Durban climate conference in December.


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TWN Bangkok News Update No.2 PDF Print
Wednesday, 06 April 2011 11:17

Annex 1 pledges insufficient, developing countries doing more

Bangkok, 5 April (Meena Raman) – Developing countries and several developed countries agreed that the current pledges for emission reductions by developed countries is insufficient to limit the temperature rise to 2 degree C.


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TWN Bangkok News Update No.1 PDF Print
Wednesday, 06 April 2011 11:11

US says no to “top down” rules for targets and compliance

Bangkok, 4 April (Meena Raman)-- At a pre-sessional workshop on the emission reduction targets by developed country Parties held in Bangkok on 3 April under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the United States said that it could not support an international regime or structure of top down rules for setting emission reduction targets and consequences for non-compliance.


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Migration demands attention: ADB PDF Print
Monday, 14 February 2011 10:19

Dhaka, Feb 8 (bdnews24.com) — Governments in Asia and the Pacific need to prepare for a large increase in climate-induced migration in the coming years, says a forthcoming report from the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

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Compromise Trumps Justice and Science PDF Print
Monday, 20 December 2010 11:25

Despite the optimism placed on them, the Cancun Agreements of the 2010 UN Climate Summit do not represent a success for multilateralism; neither do they put the world on a safe climate pathway that science demands, and far less to a just and equitable transition towards a sustainable model of development. They represent a victory for big polluters and Northern elites that wish to continue with business-as-usual.

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Getting the Message from the UNFCCC: “Just Go Home.” . . . and ORGANIZE! PDF Print
Thursday, 16 December 2010 11:35

Some Global Exchange staff and volunteers are joining fellow climate justice campaigners, environmentalists and social justice advocates from around the world for COP16 in Cancun. Today Shannon Biggs reports:


Months before civil society boarded planes or hopped on buses and bikes destined for Cancun (yes, we met up with a small contingent of cyclists arriving from West Virginia) — it was clear that we weren’t really very welcome.


Far too few of us were even approved as credentialed NGO observers.  The Moon Palace conference site was miles and miles away from the city center, and those without credentials were left out in the Cancun sun.  When La Via Campesina attempted to set up their gathering site nearby, the permits were denied.


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  • TWN Cancun News Update No.20
  • TWN Cancun News Update No.19
  • TWN Cancún News Update No.18
  • TWN Cancún News Update No.17
  • TWN Cancún News Update No.16
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PInternational Meeting on the Climate Crisis and Alternative Visions of Civil Society from Latin America, Asia, Africa and Europe.

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