Water Justice and Climate Justice Statement PDF Print
Written by PMCC   
Tuesday, 08 June 2010 12:06

We need you to act now. This petition contains a statement on water and climate that is important for our collective work on these issues.

The reason we are asking you to sign this now is that This week in Bonn, the Climate meetings are preparing for COP 16 in Cancun Mexico.

The release of the Chair's text is concerning in that it not only excludes water from the body of the text, it also gives pre-eminence and legitimacy to the Copenhagen Accord.

We are asking all who sign this to join us in demanding a more open process and to ensure water in both mitigation and adaptation is not ignored.


this week in Bonn, the Climate meetings are preparing for COP 16 in Cancun Mexico.

We need to apply pressure on the Secretariat and the Chair because the ‘Chair’s Text’ not only excludes water from the body of the text, it also gives pre-eminence and legitimacy to the Copenhagen Accord.

We are asking all who sign this to join us in demanding a more open process and to ensure water in both mitigation and adaptation is not ignored.

We are also sending this in support of the work done on the Cochabamba People’s Agreement, which has been ignored by the official UNFCCC secretariat despite being officially submitted by Bolivia for consideration.

We want to send this petition to the Chair and UNFCCC Secretariat on Friday so please sign before then to have your voice heard.

In soldidarity,

Anil, on behalf of the international water and climate working group… ( a group of water activists who have been working to highlight water justice in relation to climate, since before Copenhagen and through Cochabamba – deep appreciation to them!)


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