Peoples' Protocol on Climate Change finalized! PDF Print
Written by Administrator   
Thursday, 12 November 2009 00:00

The Peoples' Protocol on Climate Change is the result of a 2-year global process of awareness-raising and movement-building among affected communities and peoples in the South and in the North.

The Peoples' Protocol on Climate Change affirms the need for a movement for climate justice that calls for real solutions to the climate crisis - the reversal of neoliberal globalization, and the restoration of peoples' sovereignty over resources, economies and institutions. And as with other injustices, the climate crisis and its roots can only be dealt with through political struggles by the people.

The Peoples Protocol on Climate Change is an initiative of the Peoples Movement on Climate Change (PMCC), a grassroots-based movement promoting the peoples agenda for climate action and social transformation, to fight for solutions that secure justice and democratic rights of the people, and challenge the collusion of profiteers led by powerful elites and corporate interests.

We request you to sign-on to endorse the Peoples Protocol on Climate Change.

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